Merry Christmas to everyone!! We hope you all had a GREAT one, and that Santa surprised you with what you wanted!!!
We had a good was hard for me not being with my family in Minnesota, but this year was the easiest yet, because Klous was SOO into it and excited!!! It is definitely more fun with little ones make it SOO much more exciting!!
Anyways...our Christmas was a weekend event!! Daddy was able to take Friday & Monday he was home with us for 5 days, and it was GREAT!!! We miss him LOTS's kinda lonely here. On Sunday, Ryan's family came over for dinner, and when everyone left, this is what Klous did...apparently he wanted to go outside too huh?!?! He's so cute!! He found Mommy's hat and mittens!!!

Santa made an early, quick stop at our house on Monday morning, because we wouldn't be home until late on Christmas here's what we woke up to on Monday morning...

And Klous was all about running out to see what was going on!! A little confused, because none of that was there when he cleaned up and went to bed!!! It was cute to watch his reaction...

He of course had to grab the first toy he could find...the one he picked out with the money Gramma Judy & Papa Bob sent him...the famous POPPER...ahhhh :) I'm already sick of that toy!!!

Then he looked at his gifts from Santa...he thought the singing chair was pretty cool!!!

He did really good opening the first few presents...then he pretty much got sick of it!! He just wanted to play with the toys he already opened or saw....

I LOVE this's the other present he got from Gramma Judy & Papa he won't need to POUND on our keyboard...he has his own computer keyboard!!!

And finally he was done opening...he got LOTS of trucks, cars, blocks, Little People, and some clothes...pretty much got spoiled!!! :)

After putting toys together and cleaning up...he just hung out and enjoyed the new things...his chair being the favorite for now I sings and plays music for him...and he's cute sitting in it!! That's what he did while Mommy & Daddy made another batch of Molasses cookies...first one went WAY too fast!!!

After spending time with our little family most of the day Monday...we headed to Provo to be with the Jones side...and Klous & Zackeroni got new jammies!!! They were so cute cuddling on Zack's bed and going "nigh-night"...

Then we had to get real pictures...with the uncles making them smile and laugh...darn Klous wouldn't give me his binki :( But he's got a BIG smile!!!

Oh yeah...Mommy & Daddy got new jammies too...Mommy & Klous have the same ones...well mine are 2 pieces...and Daddy got some pants...Klous should've sat on his lap huh...then we wouldn't all BLEND together!!! :)

Klous saying CHEESE to the camera!!! Before going to bed so Santa could come!!!

OH...GOOD MORNING!!! Christmas morning was an early one...we were gonna have breakfast at we were all up...and it didn't happen or fall into place like planned...but oh well!! Klous got his new Christmas outfit...and he was pretty handsome in it!!! SUPERMAN!!!

Klous & Zack posed in front of the tree for pictures...right after this picture was taken, they both stumbled and fell on the floor...they were giving each other such BIG hugs!!!

Finally it was time to open presents...Klous lasted for only 2 presents this time I think...Mommy got to open most of his, because there was just too much going on, and too many other NEW toys to play with!!!

But even more trucks and cars...he's definitely a BOY!!! Mommy & Klous took a break and were playing with cars together, while Daddy took a picture...

Then it was Daddy's turn to play with him...Klous is pretty good at making the car noises too...don't know how to type that?!?! :)

Uncle Jordan got a helmet for air-soft guns...and Klous was all over that...he got scared and cried whenever Jordan had it on...but he was just fine if he got to wear it!!

Grandma & Grandpa Jones got a fun easel for their Klous & Zack had fun with the crayons and markers yet...don't need that on the wall!! Klous mostly enjoyed biting the tips off the crayons...blah :)

We then had dinner, and opened stockings...then came was a long day, but fun!! A good Christmas yet again...and I even got to talk to my family, and didn't cry...well until Papa Bob said "I love you"...then I broke down a bit...I just miss them this time of year, and it's tough...but what can we do!!! Klous had a good time, and that's what makes me happy. Never fails, Santa always surprises me...and when I think nothing will come...the stocking is always full!!! Man that guy is amazing!!! :) THANKS SANTA!!! Hope you all enjoyed your time together like we did!!! Merry Christmas...and Happy New Year next week!!! :)