So this morning I put Klous on his tummy...I was right in front of him with my back to him getting some toys out of his toy box...when I turned around he was almost completely on his back...I couldn't believe it. So I watched him a little longer, got the camera of course!! And watched what he could do. It took him awhile the first time, and I was luckily able to get most of it on camera so Daddy can see it...but once he figured it out he was a pro!! I tried to put him back on his tummy to get pictures of the different stages of him rolling over, but he wouldn't really only took seconds from the time I put him on his tummy til he was on his back again!! So was the FIRST time that Baby Klous rolled over!!! YEAH!!! He turned 4 months on good job baby!!! :)
Here he is on his tummy to start....

Then comes the leaning to the side...

Then balancing on his side...

Finally all the way to his back!!! YEAH!!!

Oh he's so proud of what he's done...he's learned a new trick!!!

Next it'll be back to tummy...rolling all around the house...crawling...and getting into everything!!! YIKES...let's not think too far ahead!!!