Can you believe's been an entire YEAR already...I can't believe it!! Doesn't seem like that long ago that he looked like this....

and now he's ONE!!! :) :) :) And so much bigger and happier and mobile and has such a personality!!!
He woke up all smiles this morning...and was so so happy to have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Mommy & Daddy didn't want to wait for everyone else to give him this we gave him an early present....a stuffed ELMO!!! :)

He pretty much loved it!!! He even fell asleep with it while we were on our way to Magna, UT.

Our niece Hailey was baptized this it was a special day for her as well as for Klous!!! Here's a picture of them after the baptism!!!

Then we came back home...after he had a nap...and people showed was time to get the party started!!! We had homemade spaghetti for just the family...Klous was excited in his chair!!!

Here's part of the people that were here for the dinner...Papa Bob, Gramma Judy, and Auntie Jessica were also here...but just not in the picture....don't mind the birthday decorations mixed in with the Halloween decorations too!!! (Like the spider web on the ceiling!!!)

After dinner, more friends showed up and we were able to have cake, ice cream, and presents!!! Mommy worked REAL hard on making an Elmo cake ;)...really it wasn't too hard with the Elmo cake pan and just some frosting!!! I think it turned out pretty cute!!!

Klous was pretty excited about the cake...and didn't know what to think about all the people singing to him!!!

Mommy had to help him blow out the candle...and Auntie JJ got quite a cute picture of that huh!!! Nice face mommy!!! :)

Then we just put the cake in front of him and let him go...we had cupcakes for everyone else!!!

I think he liked it??? Maybe???

Until he was ready to get down...and all caked out!!! So Mommy took him to the tub...while Daddy took the high chair outside to hose it down!!! :)

Then came all the presents...Klous wasn't real sure what to do...Mommy had fun with that too...and so did all the other kids here to help!! They kept taking each new toy Klous was fun!!! Thank you to everyone who came...hope you all had fun!! We love you guys!!!

Still can't believe it's been a whole year...and I can't imagine how fast all the next ones will go too!! YIKES!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY KLOUS!!! :) :) :) :)