Well we heard on the news last night that there was a storm coming in...I didn't think it would actually HIT the Provo/Orem area...usually they jump right over us. So this morning when I woke up and looked outside...I told Ryan..."ummm...you might want to leave a little earlier this morning!!!"
After Daddy left...Klous & I got all bundled up to go out and start shoveling...there must have been 3-4 inches at least by 8:00 this morning...and it was the heavy, THICK snow!! Good snowman snow!! Klous was all about helping Mommy!!!

The driveway doesn't usually seem so long...but when there's this much snow that needs to be shoveled!!

See...he's ALL smiles to help me out!!

Check out those snowflakes!!

This afternoon as it finally STOPPED...I went out to finish the last 1/2 of the driveway...then when Klous woke up from his nap, we both went out again to work on the sidewalk!!! It had to be done in shifts!! Here's the actual amount that we got...that's the sidewalk on the bottom...so maybe 6-7 inches total. It was crazy...and BEAUTIFUL!!!

Klous thought it was pretty fun to sit on the BIG mound Mommy made!!!

He just stood there while I worked on shoveling!! I thought it was a cute picture!! Look how high the snow goes on him...up to the bottom of his coat!!

Ha..Ha..Ha!!! I had to take a "snow angel" picture!!! He just laid there so cute!!!

And check out that COOL angel!!! :) Yeah for baby Klous!!!

I think he had a good time outside...what do you think!?!?!?!