This Easter was so much more fun then last...I mean last was good...but Klous enjoyed this one a lot more I think!! I guess that's what another year of life will do for you!!
Saturday we had a family picnic and Easter Egg Hunt at Grandma & Grandpa Pulham's house...Klous had a lot of fun playing outside and looking for the eggs!! It was cute watching him!!
Here's Daddy, Klous, & Zack playing baseball in the garden...

Look at my cute boys...I sure am a lucky girl!!

Klous all ready for the egg his Superman basket and all!!

OH...found one egg...gotta make sure no ones gonna take it from him!!

Finding some more...

And some a TREE...

Look how cute he is...he really liked finding them!!

Mommy & Klous...aren't we cute!!

Our cute little family...BIG SMILES for everyone...probably because we were falling over!!!'s this one...nice face daddy!!!

Klous also liked swinging in the tire swing...he's big enough to do that now!!!

CHEESE :) He's so dang cute!!

Then came Easter morning...Klous is usually ALL smiles in the morning...but I think he knew something was up this morning!! He was extra happy!!!

The Easter Bunny left a trail of eggs from his bedroom door, all through the house, and to where his basket was!!! He did surprisingly well at picking each one up and putting it in the you'll see from the video!!!

Here's part of the trail behind the chair...

and then through the living room and kitchen!!!

Then it led to the back door...which this is what was left outside for him!!!

He didn't really know what this stuff was doing in the backyard?? Is it really for me??

Then he was quick to check it out!!

And climb right in the car!!

It was too cold to drive it outside...since it was still we brought it in!!

He was ALL smiles!!! CHEESE...even from the driver's seat!!!

It was a great day...I forgot to get pictures of him in his outfit...he was very cute for Easter!!! It was fun...and I'm sure the years to come will only be better!!! We hope you all had a great Easter as well...and reflected on all our Savior has done for each of us. We truly are blessed!!!
Stay tuned for a video coming tomorrow probably!! :)