This last weekend we went up to Logan to visit Ryan's sister and her husband...Erin & Jordan. We got a hotel room and split the cost with Shauna & Zack was a nice break and a little "get-away"...if only the kids would've been healthy and happy the entire time!! We got 2 blocks from the hotel on our way there...and Klous decided he needed to puke, so that was a great start!! We stopped at the hotel and cleaned him up and tried to clean the carseat...then off to Erin's house for dinner. After dinner we came back to the hotel to go SWIMMING!! Klous & Zack were a bit excited about it!!!
Aysha in her cute little swimsuit...the hot tub was too hot and the pool was too she just relaxed in her suit!!

Klous playing with Daddy in the hot tub!!


The next morning we just hung out...the kids wanted to swim of this time we just had Aysha watch and sit in the carseat...we all got dressed and ready for the pool!!

Klous was all smiles...especially since we blew up the beach balls!!

Zack was pretty excited too...

Mommy, Daddy, and Shauna...not as excited, cuz the pool was COLD!!! So took a little getting used to!!

After swimming...and the kids taking naps...Zack just wanted to talk to his cousin!! She was all smiles about it too...

I love how alert she is!!

Klous & Zack entertaining Aysha...she loves them!!

Since the boys listened and took good naps...we promised them we'd go here they are picking out balls!!

Klous watching his ball go...putt, putt, putt!! :)

Then we decided to use the "handicap" thing...went a little faster then!!

Giving Daddy a high 5 for hitting the pins!!

Klous had the runs all day that was rough...he wasn't really into bowling cuz his tummy wasn't feeling the greatest. He was running around to "hide" so he could poop...and then he discovered the air hockey table. So after the bowling game was done...we let Klous & Zack play one game of air hockey...

I think they liked it!!

We went to dinner that night with some friends...who I forgot to get pictures of...and then went back to the hotel...woke up to SNOW Sunday morning...yeah. Visited and hung out for a bit with Erin & Jordan, then headed was a nasty drive all the way, but we made it!! Yeah for mini-vacations!!