Monday, March 30, 2009

My house at 10:15 p.m...

Guess it was a tough day today with dr's appointments...shots...being stuck in the house...watching movies...FREEZING with the wind outside...and just being lazy...cuz the kids were out in seconds after putting them down.

Aysha in her swing...
Klous on the love seat...
Oh yeah...and Ryan on the other couch...gotta love my sleeping family...
And here I sit looking at blogs...chatting with my mom on MSN...checking facebook...and my bank account...and my email...oh a Mother's work is never done huh!! :) Bedtime will come sometime!!!


Klous Family said...

BECKI! Haven't you ever heard "you sleep when they sleep"!?!? haha I love a sleeping house though! You can do what you need/WANT to do without all the "I need, I want, I need..." interuptions. (Even from husbands!) Hope you had fun catching up on all of your "mothers work"!! :)
Love you!

Anonymous said...

Don't you guys have beds? ha ha

That is the best when everyone is ASLEEP, it is when I get my best work done. :) Hopefully we can get together this week and play OUTSIDE!!!