Monday, March 30, 2009

Aysha's 4 month appointment...

Aysha the night she was born...
It's true...Aysha is 4 months old was last week, but we just managed to get her in for her appointment today!! She's just growing like a weed!! She weighed in at 14 lbs 7 oz and is 24 inches long. She's short and chubby...she's in the 64th percentile for weight and only the 35th percentile for height. Oh well...she's adorable and I can't believe how big she's getting. Wanting to sit up all the time...smiling and cooing like crazy...knows when someone is talking to her and will look to see who it is...rolling over from tummy to back...and just CUTE!!! We love our Aysha baby...and couldn't ask for anything better then her & Klous...happy, healthy kids!!

This is a picture Jessica took yesterday when we were together for family dinner...


CaradonandtheBoys! said...

SO CUTE!! Don't feel bad about the weight percentile thing. Chasey is even higher!!

Anonymous said...

WOW, I can't believe it has been 4 months. She is so beautiful as is her mommy!