Yesterday morning, Ryan got a call from his friend Jared...asking if he was busy in the afternoon and if he would like to go to the BYU football game with him. Seeing as how I had a baby shower, Ryan was in charge of watching we agreed if he was going to go...Klous would go too. I don't know who was more excited...Klous or Ryan!!! We had to get Klous to take a nap before they went...but when he woke up...he was raring and ready to go!!! It was pretty cute...

Ryan said they had decent sears too...just over one of the portals, so there was more leg room and space to sit...Klous had a good time you can see!!!

He even liked the "RRRAAARRRRRRR"...that's the cougar...he doesn't say any animal name...only the noises they make. That's how he refers to them!!

Ryan tried to get a picture of him with the field...but the sun was kind of in his this is kind of a silly picture!!

Either way...Klous & Ryan both had a good time...when they got home...Klous didn't stop showing everyone how at the "pootball" with the "rrraaarrrrrr" they kicked the ball...he would go find his little football and run to kick it like the punter. Darn kid is too smart and sporty for his own good!!! By the way...BYU beat UNLV 42-35 so that was even better...they actually won!!
I loved his punt demo at church today. It's amazing how much he's grown!
Way too cute! I bet they will remember this for a long time. And it's great you took pictures of it. How fun!
Good for Ryan for taking him! I hope you had fun at your shower. Klous is a way cute kid.
That will be much more fun than taking a kid to the game that is Chasey's age. Looks like they really had a great time!
GO COUGARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's cute. What do you mean they actually won! They've only lost once! I'm glad they had a good time!
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