Thursday, October 23, 2008

Finally...a costume!!!

Enough of the boring, stupid, annoying posts of all my doctor's appointments!! Here's a FUN one of Klous!! He's cuter and more interesting then me anyways!!!
Thank you to everyone who offered ideas or costumes or whatever...I really appreciate it...but after looking, thinking, and more looking...I just decided to buy one. I didn't want to, and it was more then I wanted to spend (only $16)...but I figured eventually we'll have to start a costume collection tote may as well start now right!!!

We found this at Target...and Klous was pretty excited about it...he pretty much LOVES it was good!! I think he looks cute too...the head thing is kinda retarded...but oh well!! Guess we're finally ready for Halloween all we have to do is get him to say "Trick-or-Treat"...he seems to be doing better with "treat please" though!! Oh dear...silly kid!!!
CHEESE...can you tell he's saying that!?!?! :) :) :)


CaradonandtheBoys! said...

So, so cute!!!!

Andrea and Danny said...

TOO CUTE! Love the costume!!

JJ said...

Elmo...i love Elmo, the head thing looks like Elmo ate him. But he is still very cute!! Happy Halloween!!!!

Karen Brothersen said...

He is the most handsome little man ever! Just give a shout out if you ever need help with him... I would love to babysit! Kaylee loves him!

krista said...

Klous looks so cute! He is also so good at getting his picture taken and even smiling for the camera! I am impressed! Ava definitely needs some lessons. Recently I cannot get her to even stand still for a picture---a smile would be a miracle! Klous looks like he is all ready for Halloween!

Anonymous said...

Nice costume... it is even the RIGHT color. :)