Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Just some pictures...

I've been slacking at posting pictures or anything for that matter...but I'm sorry...I'm having a TOUGH time still adjusting...I feel like I've constantly got a baby on my boob...changing a diaper...burping the baby...getting food for the other kids...trying to remember to eat something myself...and maybe having a couple minutes to sit by myself...but not very likely. So I'm sorry for the lack of posts or time is being taken over by other things...

We've enjoyed having Kyson with us though...and he's already growing and changing...I hate how fast that goes and I'm trying to enjoy it. Klous & Aysha love him and have to know what's going on with him ALL the time...Aysha especially...she's constantly trying to be "helpful" and stick his binki in his mouth...or eye...or forehead...or nose...while jabbering at him and then looking at me and saying..."yyyaaaaa"'s cute!!
I can't believe how much Kyson looks like Klous in these clothes...I didn't think he really looked like Klous that much...but when I put outfits on him...brings me back to when Klous was so so little. Handsome little man!!

Ryan likes to make Aysha have crazy hair after her baths...and this one says it all. She is definitely our WILD child...and has quite the personality...I'm loving seeing it come out...but struggling with having to deal with her and Klous when they get in their MOODS...ugh!!!
Probably one of her pity parties here...has a lot of those lately...thought that wouldn't start so much til she was a was I wrong!!!
Another outfit that we put on him that he looked JUST like Klous...I'll have to find pictures of Klous and see the similarities!!

Oh he's so cute...all scrunched up like that!!
Daddy turned 30 on January 7th...wasn't anything special or exciting...I felt back that I didn't plan anything or really think much of it...but guess I was preoccupied. He didn't want anything done, so whatever...just kept telling me..."it's just another day" we just made him a strawberry cheesecake thing...and Mom made a yummy dinner...and that was our evening. Happy 30th Babe!! Maybe next year will be a BIG party!!
This is funny...Aysha was in taking a nap one day...and I thought I had heard I went to look...and nope, sound asleep still...but this is what I found. Do you see Aysha in there anywhere??? WHERE IS AYSHA!?!?!?
She really is in there...but I had a hard time figuring it out!! Then I picked out her little legs...see the pink pants?? Her face is under the bunny...and she's just sound asleep under there...silly girl!! Trying to blend in with all her animals and blankies!!
Klous loves his sister at times...when she cries he wants to hold her and comfort her...but that's only when he's not the reason she's know cuz it's suddenly COOL to tackle her or belly bump her or push her over or kick her down...FOR NO REASON AT ALL...oh why can't he just be nice???
And our little Aysha May...she's getting big and is so stinkin' cute with her little piggies...gotta love the kiddos!!!


AnnaMarie said...

They are all absolutely adorable. You'll get through these times, then miss them. Though I know it doesn't seem like it during the tantrums, feedings, and crazy times! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

the last pic of Aysha is adorable.. she looks SO old. You are doing a great job Beck!

krista said...

These pictures are so cute! I love how Aysha was hidden in all of her stuff animals! That is adorable! Becki, you are doing great! It will get easier everyday!

Morgan said...

I LOVE all the pictures! Tyler used to throw a bunch of toys in Carters crib it was hilarious! I would ask Tyler why and he said Carter told him to. Ahh, kids they are entertaining!

Jacque Hadlock said...

Hey you busy mama! The kids are so so cute! I bet it is so fun with another little one but so so so busy! You are a champ! How are you feeling anyway? I love little Ashya buried in her crib! She is a doll!

Tara said...

Happy Birthday Ryan! Your kids are so cute and all growing up. It would be great to see you all sometime. We are all sick at the moment, but when we get better maybe we can get together. I hope you are all doing well!

Roberts Family said...

So Cute! It does get interesting when you have sooooo much help from the little ones. You want them to be involved too but sometimes you just want to take the baby and hide!!! And I have to say the time goes sooooo much faster with the 3rd one. You're doing great!!

Lisa (Espanish for "Lisa") said...

I know I haven't commented in ages. but I just love how you do such a great job at capturing their personalities. Your kiddos are just so cute!

You'll be (and probably already are) a pro and handling three kids. I'm gonna need your tips in the coming months! Hang in there on those tough days! Wish I was there to help!

Oh, and last but not least, a very belated happy birthday to Ryan! Someday I'll remember that his birthday is close to Matt's. Miss you guys!