Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Park City Get-Away...

A couple weekends ago, Ryan had taken a couple days off...and I told him I NEEDED to get away. So he planned a fun weekend in Park City just relaxing and playing with the kids. It had been a hard month for me, because I wanted to go back home, but couldn't...so it was a well needed trip away from "reality"...so THANK YOU to a great husband that planned a nice time!!

We left Thursday morning and went to the zoo first in Salt Lake...we hadn't been since March, and figured we better take advantage of our year pass thing we bought...so we went. It was bloody HOT the whole time...Aysha got sunscreen in her eye and swelled all up...Klous was tired and crabby...but it was an alright time. We just walked around and saw some of the animals then left...figured we'd go back again when it cools down and isn't so hot!!!

Klous had fun with the statues and holding Aysha on them!!! Aren't they cute kids!!!

He wasn't too sure of this elephant, so Daddy had to stand with him and be in the picture too...tried to tell him it wasn't real, but he was still scared??
There was this CUTE little giraffe...now i know it's still big, but not compared to it's parents!! This is a new baby giraffe that was there...I had to get a picture!!!

After the zoo, we headed to Park City...Ryan had reservations at one of the resort things up there...since summer is their off season...it was only $59 a night and it was great. Of course I dind't get any pictures of the place we stayed...but it was pretty much a little apartment. Full kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom, and bedroom. 2 flat screen tv's...a pull out couch bed...VCR/DVD players, WITH movies in the room...it was more then I expected. But it was nice!! Anyways...we couldn't check in until 4 and got there at 2...so we went and walked around main street and looked at the shops...I had never done that before!!!

Here's Klous & Mommy resting on a "horse bench" he found and wanted to sit on :)
We hung out and swam...relaxed...shopped at the outlets...and just wasted time. It was great!! No real plans just doing what we wanted to do when we wanted to!! On Saturday though, we invited Shauna & Zack up to spend the night and went to Olympic Park...from the 2002 winter olympics. Here are a few pictures from that!!

Klous & Aysha as little skiers!!!

Daddy, Aysha, Zack, & Klous in the bobsled...pretty cool huh!!

Then they tried out the little sleds...I don't know what they're called :)

Finally we checked out the upstairs and saw all the medals and equipment used in the olympics...pretty cool stuff!!
It was a GREAT weekend, and I hated coming back to reality, but someone's gotta do it and make money so we can live right!!! Thank you honey for planning a great weekend and letting us get away...it was GREATLY appreciated!!!


krista said...

Sounds like a fun weekend! Klous is so cute holding Aysha in the zoo pictures! He is such a good big brother. We loved seeing the baby giraffe also! Ryan is a great husband to plan such a great get-away!

Karla said...

Great weekend! You should do it again this weekend! :> Poor Aysha with the sunscreen thing, I have done that before and you feel so bad because there is nothing you can do to help out really. Glad you got a nice relaxing weekend away from reality. Tell Ryan you deserve another one this weekend too! After all, it is labor day weekend right?

Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had a great time. I am glad that you got away and I agree with Karla... you deserve another one this weekend. :) Don't we all?

Jamie said...

i LOVE the gorilla pictures. so fun. Vacations are the best! What a sweet husband to plan this for you all. I love it when they do stuff like that and remind us why we married them in the first place! :)