Nothing better then an afternoon with BOTH kids sleeping at the SAME time!! So peaceful and quiet!!! I love it...but don't get me wrong...I love when they're both awake and playing nice too!!!

Love my babies!! But thanks to friends and family who have "taught" me how to put Aysha down to go to sleep alone!! So nice to just lay her down and not have to hold/rock/sing and everything else to get her to sleep. I love those moments with babies...but when the "baby" is 2 1/2 and still struggles to go asleep alone...I LOVE it this way!! Guess that's what happens with all first children right!?!?! They just get extra spoiled!!!
(Klous is getting better...just have to get him from the couch to his bed to go to sleep on his own now!!)
You will definitely have to teach me that trick for baby number too. Chasey is also spoiled. Can't go to sleep for the night by himself.
I LOVE how chunky your little girl is! I hope I get to meet her someday. When are you heading to MN? We are going to be going there sometime this summer...and I can't wait! It has been 4 years since I have been back! It will be so great!
Awww! I'm soo jealous! Mya doesn't sleep like at all during the day lately, but just started sleeping between 7-9 hours at night. So I can't decide what I would rather have, some sanity during the day, or a good nights sleep! Your babies are beautiful and so peaceful! Can't wait to see them! :D And you guys of course!
P.S. Thank you for blogging! Its been so long! :D
Hey I love that time too! I sure love my babies but there is nothing more beautiful than a sleeping baby. It would sure be fun to play together one of these days. I saw your post about moving and hoped it would be out here to Eagle Mountain with us but then I realized I had been fooled. Your kids are so cute and getting so big! They sure don't stay babies for long:( Thanks for your blog... I love reading it!
You should just post how to get your kids to sleep. We are all eagerly waiting to know that trick.
Also, I really love it when my kids sleep at the same time. That is a RARE BLESSING straight from HEAVEN!
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