Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Bought a house!!!! :) :) :)

Well...after paying rent for SO SO long and flushing our money right down the toilet...we finally found a house this weekend!! I was out taking pictures and thought I'd share some!! It's cute...has a nice little kitchen...cute windows and shutters...a bright red door, which may need to be painted...don't want people thinking we like UTAH :)...and a doorbell that Klous REALLY likes!!! I think it'll work for a while...at least until we outgrow it and have to sell it ourselves...what can you do...it's just a starter home right!! Guess we'll see how it works for us and if we can handle all that comes along with being new home-owners!!! I must say it's an exciting thought to think that paying a lot of money at the beginning of the month will go to a HOME now and not an apartment that isn't ours...it's real sad when I sit down and figure out how much we've pain in rent the last 7 1/2 years....OUCH...could've been a SWEET down payment...oh well though right!!!

Alright...here it is...

HA HA HA :) Gotcha!!! Klous (and Aysha when she gets big...and all the neighborhood kids) are new home-owners!!!
LOL...it's cute though isn't it...found it at a garage sale last weekend...$30 for this practically brand new playhouse...Klous loves it. He's already had Zack over to play...and Jaylee across the street has tried it out too!!!
I told Ryan on Sunday that I wish I was as spoiled as Klous...last year the Easter Bunny brought him a new car...and this year just before Easter he gets a new house....I'm jealous!!!
But he's definitely a proud home owner...check out that smile!!! :) :) :)
Oh the joys of being little and having not a care in the world!!! Wish I could be that excited about getting a new house and all that comes along with it!! We'll get into one someday...maybe soon!!!


Klous Family said...

Wow Becki! I was so excited for you guys! Cute house though!! The kids will have a blast in it!

Karen Brothersen said...

Good deal on a home! That was refreshing! THanks for your good sense of humor. Maybe this will be your year to buy a house!

Julie said...

You totally got me cause I thought I would read your blog before I saw the picture. I was laughing. Hope your kids love it. Tell Klous he better start looking for a job to help pay a mortgage. Ha Ha!

Mindy said...

I totally bought into this "April" fool's joke versus your 3rd baby! You really had me! What a good deal too.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Klousy. :)

krista said...

That house looks so much fun! You always find the best deals!