Well...we had GREAT plans of going camping this weekend with our friends Matt & Lisa (and their girls)...we decided to also bring Matthew (Ryan's little brother) along too, since there would be fishing. Well let's just say the trip was really, REALLY talked up and sounded like it would be a great time!!! It wasn't....Ryan & Matt both took Friday off so that we could go Thursday night...things didn't work out for that, which was actually better...and we got on the road at 10:00 a.m Friday morning. We decided to stop for breakfast...TWO hours later we left from that...then things happened with Matt & Lisa's daughter, which weren't expected, and we in NO way blame them for that. It just really slowed things down, and put quite a few extra stops in the drive there...(for more info check out their blog if you want www.twogringosandamexifry.blogspot.com)...if not this is the short version of the story!!!
After stopping to remove a cast, clean up puke (which really was the last straw that made us have a pow-wow to decide if we keep going), and going on the LONGEST, BUMPY, & BUSIEST 4-wheeler road (for 21 miles...going only 25 mph)...we finally arrived to Joe's Valley in central Utah at 4:30 p.m....yep...that's right, 6 1/2 HOURS later. :( It was miserable and exhausting sitting in a car for that long. Once we finally got there, and found the campground we figured Matt & Lisa's friends were at...we couldn't find them...so we stopped at the first open campsite we could find. We got out, and it was very nice to walk around...and yet wonder if we really had enough food to get through the night since we only had our "assignments" filled for the meals. Ryan & Matt decided to go drive around a little more to see if they could find them anywhere...while Lisa, Matthew, & I stayed back with a couple of the kids...as you can see, Klous was REAL excited to be out of the car, and just be able to play in the dirt, ash, sticks, and rocks...
He had to show Mommy his prize stick...
Smile for the camera...
Try to mix up the ashes in the fire pit...
Get a "closer" look at the ashes...
And get dirt, ash, and SNOT everywhere!!! :) Isn't he cute!!!
Finally Matt & Ryan found them at the same campsite we happened to be in...just down a road we didn't discover the first time through...so we packed the kids in again...and got in the car :( luckily only for a little drive...and FINALLY set up camp. The friends there...(which Ryan & I had never met)...could tell we weren't real excited about the 6 1/2 hour journey we had to make it to the stupid place, and actually Lisa & I had discussed the fact that we really weren't ready to "socialize" with anyone else yet. It was alright...we set up, had dinner, and things were actually "kind of" looking up. We got a campfire started and were all smiles for a bit...
Klous once again had fun with the sticks...eating rocks...and crawling around...
Here are the guys holding the babies...Matt's on the left with his baby Nicole, and Ryan with Klous on the right...
Even got some cute pics of Daddy & Klous smiling...
And Mommy & Klous too...(I think the ONLY smile I did the WHOLE time)...well not really...but close ;)
Matthew enjoyed playing in the fire...as any 14 yr. old boy would!!
Then the sun started to go down...the moon came out...
And the clouds came in...can you see the dark ones in the middle of the mountains??? We were nervous about those...wondering if they would bring rain...just to top off the trip!!! :)
Well no rain came...we slept "ok"...and got up at 6:30 a.m to go out fishing...we were told it was only 20 minutes away, and that the fishing was AMAZING?!?! So we were okay with going for the drive (even though the guy in charge said the rode was a little rough, but our car should be okay)...so we packed up Klous and all the fishing stuff and took off...COME TO FIND OUT...we have to take the dreaded DIRT ROAD again. :( We weren't thrilled about this, and wondered why this road would be rough on our car....we just had to drive on it yesterday??? Well, certain mile marks came and went, and we were ALL THE WAY back to the BEGINNING of the dirt road...which is 21 MILES, but an HOUR away...we weren't happy. We should've just packed up camp and left from there...which is what we would've done had we REALLY known where we were going. :(
Again...Klous didn't have a tough time...he liked the dirt, mud, and snacks Mommy brought along!!!
Here are the boys getting their fishing poles ready...Matthew by the water, Matt standing, and Ryan in the chair...
Klous just raked, scooped, and ATE the mud!!!
Ryan realized he didn't have enough line on his pole, so had to add more...and Matt had "fun" bringing his oldest daughter Vanessa along!! (see his bum in the background...he's talking with her)
Then Klous & Vanessa had a chance to play...once she decided she was gonna be gentle and not throw dirt in his face anymore!!! :)
Not that he didn't have enough on his face...in his hair...or in his mouth!!! :)
But as you can see from this picture, Klous was NOT happy...I think the attitudes of his parents were coming out in him too!!! After NO luck fishing...not even a bite...and wild children who weren't wanting to listen...we decided to pack it up...Matt had come with the "guy in charge" and his vehicle...but he and the others weren't ready to go...however Matt was!!! So we decided we could fit Becki, Ryan, Matthew, Klous, Matt, & Vanessa all into our 5 passenger Toyota Corolla!!! I drove, Matthew was in the back with the kids in their car seats...and Ryan & Matt "shared" the front seat. A little TOO much male bonding on that LONG, STUPID dirt road once again. 3rd time was NOT a charm...we were SOOO...irritated and ready to just go home. We got back to camp, packed up, and took the shorter, PAVED, and easier way back home. We stopped for lunch and then left our traveling buddies...it was sad.
It was a tough and hectic trip...and I know I wasn't pleasant most of it...but come on...what do you expect??? I was ready to come home...and it was only over night...but really it was great traveling with Matt & Lisa, and I'm glad we were there to help and laugh with them when we could. Some things couldn't have been prevented...where other things COULD'VE!!! Like we've all decided...the best part was having the walkie-talkies together...and being able to talk and communicate on the LONG and HORRIBLE journey!!! Thanks guys...we'll still hang out and camp again...sometime...closer to home...you know what I mean!!! :) :) :) :) :)
You did a great job portraying the weekend! I'm still to frustrated to write about it. I think I'll leave that for Matt! We made a pact yesterday not to answer any phone calls to avoid any further "adventures"
I'm glad you still find us worth hanging out with us. Thank goodness for walkie-talkies! We'll have to do something really cool and low-key sometime to make up for this!
Sorry, that would be "too frustrated"
i think your title for this post should have been "camp out in hell". we really did have close encounters with fathers of all lies. DECEPTION!!!
It looks like Klous at least had fun!!
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