Sunday, December 6, 2009

Santa Claus is coming to Town :)

The day after Thanksgiving, Santa Claus was flying into Orem in a we got the kids bundled up and headed over to the parking lot of the mall. It was a little chilly, but the kids had fun and were ready to see Santa!!!

While we were waiting, there were jugglers for entertainment...Klous thought it was cool seeing them juggle and balance things on their faces!!!
Then FINALLY, we saw the helicopter coming...Klous was awfully excited!!!
He was up on Ryan's shoulders and was waving at Santa!! You could see his white beard & glove even way up in the was kinda cool!!
If you look at the window...that white thing is Santa...he was waving at all the kids, it was neat!!!
I've never been that close to a helicopter when it lands, but it was stinkin' COLD...the wind and dirt and holy cow...our fingers instantly turned into icicles....brrr...but he was finally at the mall!!!
The helicopter landed, slowed down, and finally stopped the propeller...
And SANTA CLAUS got was so exciting!!! Klous' eyes just got really big and was cute!!!
He made his rounds and said hello to the kids...and jingled his jingle bells...
As he walked past us, Klous was so disappointed and sad that he didn't stop to ask what he wanted for we had to tell him we'd come back and sit on his lap another day!! He thought for sure Santa would ask him though!!
So we waited til the crowds died down a bit and went Monday morning when Ryan was off...we got there just as Santa was starting, and it was nice...Klous was so excited to sit on his lap and tell him what he wanted. He brought his Christmas list book he made...we cut the toy pictures out of the Toys R Us catalog and made his list...we told Klous to only show him a couple things he wanted, but Santa was so sweet and went through the whole book with him!!
Aysha wasn't too fond of Santa!!! And Klous wouldn't really look at him, but didn't cry luckily!!! Just told him about all the toys he wanted!!!
Santa gave the book back to Daddy and then told Klous to be good...go to bed when Mommy & Daddy said on Christmas Eve...and to maybe leave out a snack for him if maybe some milk and cookies. So that's what Klous has been talking about now...being sure to leave a snack out!! It's so cute...
Then he was more then willing to pick a treat for him & Aysha...and of course Aysha was okay with that too :)
They enjoyed their suckers as we walked some more through the was a sticky mess, but it was fun to see how excited Klous was about it all!! He's getting so big and each year gets more exciting with him at Christmas!!!
That night, Daddy decided to try and rescue Aysha from the nightstand/front door/and lamp...but got a little too excited and kicked the leg of the couch. Really it wasn't on purpose...and it was a hard hit...and didn't feel good...the a couple days later this is what it looked like. You can see on his 2nd to last black/blue it is and his foot too!! Don't know if it was broken or not, but he was in some pain!!! Poor guy...he was just trying to help his princess :)


krista said...

How fun! I didn't know that they had the helicopter with Santa! That is such a fun idea! Klous is adorable with his little toy catalog talking with Santa. I am sure that Aysha will love Santa next year!

Anonymous said...

What a fun thing to do with the kiddos... and tell Ryan he needs a pedicure. :) Oh... and I love how we can communicate in church without even saying a word. LOL!!!

Andrea and Danny said...

What a great post!!
Mya balled with santa too.. but so worth taking a picture of! :)
And Ryan's foot.... OUCH!
Danny just did the same thing a month or so ago on his pinky toe. I guess its called a bedroom fracture. His foot was all bruised too! Yea I agree with Amy.... then again I have a thing about feet! You should give him a pedicure Becki! ;) Bad thing to say, and she should pampering you right now!! :D:D The helicopter santa thing is so awesome! Makes it such a big deal to the kids! :D

Love you
Hope your pregnancy is still going well!
I bet you are insanely anxious!!