Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Yummy Fall Treats...

I must say I've been REAL hungry for some YUMMY caramel apples the last couple weeks. I made some last week, and they didn't turn out quite as good as I had hoped...but yesterday Klous & I made some again...and they were SCRUMPTIOUS!! Klous had fun helping Mommy too...or maybe just had fun eating the caramels...I don't know!!!

He liked helping open them...until he started sneaking them out of the bowl...

Giving Mommy the garbage...
Playing in the caramels...yes we washed his hands first!!
Helping Mommy carry it to the microwave...
Washing the apples...
and drying them off...
Can you tell he's struggling to say CHEESE...he's trying harder to push the stick in then actually say it!!!
And was HOT...
He sure liked cleaning out the bowl though...took a bite of a different apple...then licked his caramel spoon!!
The finished product...they were REAL gooey and messy...the caramel was too hot when I put it on I just ran right off...hence the mess!! They were still yummy though...
Here's another picture of some treats Daddy did...we got some peaches from his Aunt Yvonne who had a LOT of after she told him they were $25 a bushel...he decided to go pick some at her house...well we got a TON...and he was up until 4:30 or 5:00 A.M on Sunday morning canning a crazy bee in his bonnet or something...I felt yucky and went to bed around I can't take much credit for them...but I guess I'll have to help with the pears and salsa!?!?! Thanks to GREAT sisters in our ward too who provided the canning jars...very grateful for them!!!


Karen Brothersen said...

That is soooo dang cute. I would let him marry Kaylee. ha ha..
And how did you get so many pics on one post? My posting will only allow me to add 5 pics per post.

Anonymous said...

Yum! I want one. And Cody wants to play with Kowsee. :)

Answer to Many said...

Fun for you guys! I wish my husband would can!

Mindy said...


Julie said...

Those carmels look so good right now. Zac is pretty excited! It would be cool if he could finish. He needs to visit a fire station and I don't know if we can get that done, but we will try. When do you order the patch? The other 2 things he could get done tho. I will let you know.

Morgan said...

Busy busy! I love caramel apples! I think I want some now!

Tara said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. Me and Jared canned some peaches too! Not as many as you guys, but they are one of my fav's. We are still getting unpacked and organized. Things have been so busy!!! I am working part time in the evenings right now, so when we get our head's on straight, we need to get together. I hope you guys are doing well! Love ya

Christy Hooley said...

Cute!!! I'm glad we have blogs to keep up with each other! When is that baby coming? I miss seeing you!

Jamie said...

you have been EXTREMELY productive. good job!

krista said...

I love caramel apples! They look yummy. Klous is such a great little helper!

Andrea and Danny said...

YUM!!!! I'm gunna make carmel apples now!!!!!!!! That is so cool that Klous helped you! And even cooler that Ryan canned!!! I can't see Danny doing that!

Lets see some belly pics!!!!