Thursday, July 31, 2008

Nap-time Experiments...

On Tuesday...I put Klous down for his nap...he went down fine and was REAL tired...when I put him in his bed...he had his shorts ON!!!
He ended up sleeping for over 2 1/2 hours...and I was a little when I finally heard him in there, I opened the door...and this is what I found...
Klous sitting NEXT to his shorts?? Luckily he still had his diaper on :)
It didn't take long, and he threw his shorts at me and stood up laughing...

Good thing he's so cute...cuz he sure can win your heart with that smile!!
I'd be a little worried about what other things he may try to do in his crib after his naps, but luckily he hasn't figured out how to climb out yet...I'm not looking forward to those days!!! I like him to be contained for as long as possible!!!


Christine said...

Just wait until it is his diaper that comes off. Duck Tape is the only thing that kept it on for John.

Andrea and Danny said...

oh my gosh! that is so cute!! his smile really does make a person melt :)!

krista said...

I love the last picture! Klous's big smile is so so adorable!!