Thursday, October 8, 2009

Teething...Constipation...One SAD girl :(

So you all know my sweet baby girl Aysha May...why when a bad night comes...does EVERYTHING have to come that night!?!?! She's been struggling with her teeth coming in on the bottom for MONTHS now...and one finally poked through, while the other is being a pain. So we had that last night...then she couldn't lay still or sleep because her tummy was so upset and not feeling good. She's stretch out her legs...squirm and wiggle like crazy...and just whine and cry :( It was so sad and yet SO annoying, because I was tired...she was up from 11-5 off and on...and it made me not so excited about another newborn. Why oh Why do all the bad days have to come together!?!?!? Let's hope and pray for a good diaper today ;) AND a GREAT naptime!!! I want my happy, smilely little girl back!! Please :)


JJ said...

Oooooh sad! Bring on the appie juice(as baby Hailey called it), and lots of it. Poor thing. Those little ponies crack me up! They are so cute.

AnnaMarie said...

Oh, that's so hard. I'm sorry! It is like having a newborn again when they're sick. I'm hoping she'll get through it quickly!

Jamie said...

I hear the fear in your voice about becoming a mother of 3 but you know what? you'll do fine. You'll have some hard days, some really hard days but with your personality I am certain most of them will be wonderful. God will help you even out the rough spots. He'll see you through..

krista said...

I hope little Aysha is feeling better (and you are getting more sleep)!! I have a newborn that likes to be up from about 10 pm to 4 am and it is so hard! I hope your new little baby will sleep well for you!!