Monday, October 6, 2008

Helping Daddy...

This weekend we had lots of high hopes of the things we wanted to get done...we got some of them accomplished...and failed on a few others!!! Klous was real excited to help Daddy build the new shelf we got for MORE food storage!! My sisters call it our "grocery store in our bedroom" but when you've only got so much space, you do what you can right!! Here's some shots of the project... maybe he had more fun climbing the "ladder" I don't know...but either way it was a fun bonding time for Daddy & Klous!! Saturday didn't go quite as planned...we got part of our room cleaned and organized...but not enough to actually put the shelf where it belongs, or put the new food on it. So looks like it'll be this week or weekend!! Klous decided he had to be up ALL night Saturday that was fun taking shifts with Ryan...and Sunday we were pretty pooped out...although Klous was completely back to normal. Ryan & I are still trying to catch up on the sleep...getting over the headaches...and the tummy aches we've had...don't know if it's all psychological or for real, but it was a BLAH weekend!! Except listening to the leaders of our church of course!!


Julie said...

Wow! What a big helper. They love to do that at that age. Yeah this weekend seemed very long stuck at the house watching conference. Andy and I had to take a walk down the street and back by the time Sunday night was here. We were going crazy. I quess we could have walked around the block, but hey one street at a time right? Especially since we have not exercised in awhile.

Anonymous said...

What a big helper... at least he thought he was, right? Cute pics.

Mindy said...

It's great you're doing food storage. We're trying our best but it's hard to get it going.