Monday, October 6, 2008

32 weeks...only 8 to go :) :) :)

Here you go people...more belly shots. I feel HUGE...don't really look it...compared to other people I know that are due just a little before me, but I feel like a whale!! We just hit 32 weeks on she's just growing and getting is my tummy!!! I don't remember being uncomfortable with Klous...but this one is no fun...she's always in my ribs...tickling my bladder...constantly moving and arching her back...and just going NON-STOP...hope that's not a sign of what's to come for life!!! Guess we'll see and take it a day at a time!!! Last week also I got to do the "extended" glucose check for gestational diabetes...I'm fine of course...but it was NASTY. Still have to drink the same sugary orange pop drink...but you have to go in fasting...and you can't eat anything for THREE hours...not to mention the 4 pokes you get to have your blood drawn. Oh great fun...the joys of pregnancy!!! All results came back fine though, and I don't have anything to worry about...except maybe just a baby who will be addicted to Diet Coke!! That's all!!

So wish us luck in our short time left...I'll of course post more pictures as it gets closer, but it's kind of crazy to think it's really coming so fast!! She'll be here before we know it!! Woo hoo...then we can hold her, and cuddle her, and love her, and have her be all ours!! :) :) :) I'm a dork I know!!


CaradonandtheBoys! said...

You are so cute!!!

Julie said...

I bet you are excited you are going to have a girl. Now you will have 1 of each. Just wait till you have 5 or so. Then it gets really crazy, but enjoy every min right now. Hope everything goes well. You are brave

Anonymous said...

Yes, you are a dork. ha ha

The photos are adorable and I think you make a very cute prego.

krista said...

You look so cute! I can't believe you only have 8 more weeks! She will be here so soon! Do you have a name picked out yet? She sounds like Ava. Always on the move--and still always on the move!

AnnaMarie said...

Oh, wow, you really look good, Becki!

Mindy said...

I LOVE the orange pop! I always ask for more. Of course we don't usually drink pop and never that sugary so it's funny they tell me most people hate it and I always want more.
It is just around the corner, wow! Good luck. She'll be so cute.

JJ said...

Becki, you look really good. Your tummy is really cute!
Good job on your food storage too!
I love you!

Andrea and Danny said...

Awwww! Thanks for posting belly pics!! Can't believe its only 8 weeks away!!! YAY!

Jamie said...

I HATE the orange drink. I had to go for the extended 6 hour test with Carly cuz my first one came back marginal. so fun. I almost threw up half way thru and the oh so compassionate nurse warned me.. If you puke you're just going to have to come back and do this again sweetie! I laid down in their storeroom on a bench and they came and got me every hour they needed to draw blood. It was quite a day.

and you look cute even if you feel like a whale!

Morgan said...

I seriously hate that drink, with a passion. With Tyler I had to drink it 2 times because the first time it made me throw up. It was nice. I think that you look great! I can't believe you only have 8 weeks left! That's crazy talk! But I guess that it has been almost 6 months since I saw you!

The Mighty Miners said...

not only do I hate the orange drink but I usually end up gagging on it too, so they won't sit in the room with me while I drink it. But I don't ever drink pop, so it is WAYYYY too carbonated! Good luck, not too much left really!

Christy Hooley said...

you're still cute!! :)