Monday, September 19, 2011

Thought for the day...

Found THIS talk this morning as I was looking for something uplifting to read...and thought it was a GREAT talk!!! I love and miss Pres. Hinckley a LOT...and his words mean a lot to me. Not that I don't love Pres. Monson...but this is a quote from the talk Pres. Hinckley gave back in 2003...

To you young women with small children, yours is a tremendous challenge. So often there is not enough money. You must scrimp and save. You must be wise and careful in your expenditures. You must be strong and bold and brave and march forward with gladness in your eye and love in your heart. How blessed you are, my dear young mothers. You have children who will be yours forever. I hope that you have been sealed in the house of the Lord and that your family will be an everlasting family in the kingdom of our Father.

May you be given strength to carry your heavy load, to meet every obligation, to walk side by side with a good and faithful and caring man, and together with him rear and nurture and bring up your children in righteousness and truth. Nothing else you will ever own, no worldly thing you will ever acquire will be worth so much as the love of your children. God bless you, my dear, dear young mothers."...

I hope it'll help or touch someone else today as it has lifted me!!! Happy Monday all!!!


Anonymous said...

That's beautiful Thanks Bec

Party of Five said...

Thanks Becki,I needed that in so many ways today. We have a challenge as mothers to provide for our children the things that they need(and some wants), yet teach them the difference and the importance of the eternal things rather then what the world wants to focus on in the material things. BOy do we have our work cut out for us!

CaradonandtheBoys! said...

I'm so glad you posted that, Becki. Love you.