Monday, December 21, 2009

Kyson day 2...

It's been a crazy 24+ hours...trying to get back into the swing of having a newborn again and adjusting to all the changes. Kyson had a little bit of a "grunting" problem that they were trying to figure out and get under control. They had to do blood work, chest x-ray, labs, and finally put an IV in his little head :( The nurse warned me that it would look a LOT worse then it really is, and she was right. I'm just glad I didn't have to watch or see them put it in. With the grunting, they didn't know if he was having a tough time getting oxygen or the tests they did would help solve the mystery. Or so they hoped...everything came back fine and there were no issues, but the grunting didn't stop. It lessened, but didn't they were confused and still are a he also has low blood sugar we're trying to get back up...and also he quivers and shakes randomly. So we're just trying to get things figured out and under control, so that we can all go home tomorrow and be together as a family!!!

Here's my poor baby with the IV in his head...doesn't it look terrible :(
And at the same time he came in, he had all the battle wounds from having blood drawn :( Poor kid...
But he was awfully cute this morning when he came in STARVING and was gonna chew off his fingers!! This is how he was sucking on them...I think he'll be a hand/finger sucker and not so much a binki...but we'll see!!

Once we all got up and had rested a bit...Grandma brought the kids over to visit!! Klous was of course happy and excited...and Aysha was a bit more pleasant!! She had more of her personality showing and seemed to "enjoy" being here!!! I think she looks so cute in this picture sitting there...she thinks she's so big!!
Klous just loves holding him...but was sure to ask me when he came in..."Mommy, why is Kyson's head all screwed up?" Cute huh!!
Zack got to come over too and meet his new cousin...he was just as excited to meet him and hold him...they're such good big boys!!!
And finally tonight...he was bright eyed and bushy tailed :) Such BIG eyes for a bit...then he was fast asleep again!!

He doesn't like the flash so much of the camera, but he sure was cute looking around and just watching things...Kyson sure has won my heart and nothing can change that!!! Here's to hoping everything gets better and we can go home tomorrow!!!


  1. I'm surprised they let you have your kids in with you since our hospital is at a level 2 restriction (because of H1N1)--no kids.
    Hope he's doing better so you can go home soon!

  2. I hope everything is going well!!! Christian grunted a lot his first week and the nurses had to keep trying to clear out his throat. I pray that little Kyson will do better today and that you guys will be able to go home soon! He is sooo cute!! It is so easy to forget how tiny they are when they are first born. Christian was 8 lbs 14 oz and he still seemed so tiny to me! Call me if you need anything!

  3. oh becki, you again are being so strong! kyson is adorable, and i wish him and all of you the best!

  4. Congratulations! Poor little guy. Mackai had to go through many of those same tests, it about kills you seeing it. Hope you get to go home today and have a wonderful Christmas with your family!

  5. Congratulations, Becki & Ryan! I didn't check the blogs for a few days, and now he's here! I love that name, Kyson. He is just adorable, and he sure makes Aysha look big! Good luck with everything, and I'll be thinking about you with all your super fun recovery. Love you, girl.

  6. I've not been on the blogs lately and I so I am just finding out today about your happy news! Congratulations and I hope all is well for your little guy. I liked Klous' take on things....
    Great quote. He's going to be living that one down his whole life. :)
