Sunday, December 27, 2009

Home, Tired, and trying to Adjust :)

We got to come home last Tuesday...and it was WONDERFUL to do so. I was ready for my own bed, my own couch, my own house, and seeing MY kids!!! After getting the ok from the pediatrician and getting Kyson's IV out of his head...we got him ready and dressed to come home...nothing special...just a pair of jammies!! And the cute little hat we got at the hospital!! It has a jingle bell on the top...

Then we had to of course pose him and take pictures in the stocking from the hospital as well!! He's just too stinkin' cute I think!!
Our BEST present for Christmas this year!!

Then it was finally time to go home!! All bundled up and ready to go...
We got home and the kids were extatic. They were so so happy to see Daddy AND Mommy AND Kyson all come home!! Ryan had been coming home at nights to help with bedtime...but now all of us were home and they were very happy!!
Aysha couldn't wait to get that thing out of the we tried having her hold him...she did alright for a minute...
They're being great big brother and big sister!!!
Then she had enough...and was ready to push him off...
Klous was very concerned and wanting that bandaid/gauze thing off his finally we gave him his bath after coming home...don't I look beautiful!! Oh so wide awake!!!
We got him all cleaned up and bandaid free!! And of course in his Christmas shirt!!!
Klous has been an amazing big brother!! He just wants to help and hold him whenever he can. The first morning we were home he was up at 6 to come check on Kyson and see what he could do to help...ADORABLE...whenever Kyson cries he's right there telling him it's ok...and he's always saying how cute he is...except when he stinks ;)
Aren't they proud siblings!!! Man I love these kids!!!
Here's our little man...looking a little yellow...but not too bad!!
The most important people in my life...I couldn't ask for more and I really realized this last week how truly blessed I am...I have an AMAZING husband who will do anything for me and 3 amazing kids that I love more then ever...I'm one lucky girl...
Then we tried to put him in the stocking we made...didn't work too well...he looks real squished :)
Here's Klous being a great big brother again...he didn't want to take a nap unless he got to hold Kyson we laid them both down and got these adorable pictures...
So sweet...
Then this goes to show how truly tired we've been!! Shauna & Zack were over and Aysha refused to take a Ryan went in her room with her...(he fell asleep on Klous' bed)...and Zack entertained Aysha...ALL of the stuffed animals in the house were in with was pretty hilarious!! This is what happens when a 4 yr old is left in charge!!!
It's been a long, crazy, tiring week...but we're slowly adjusting and realizing how much more work it is with another baby...and when the kids out number the's tough. We're trying to just take it a day at a time and figure things out!! We can do this!!!


  1. Oh, how adorable, Becki. You are truly blessed with those beautiful children. And with Ryan.

  2. I am a sucker for newborns in jammies. I personally, don't think there is ANYTHING cuter!

  3. I am sorry to hear about the tests and all at the hospital, but hope it is all good now. The pictures are just so cute with your other darling kids too! I hope you guys had a great Christmas with your early present. :)

  4. I'm glad to hear you guys are all home. I don't know if they are concluded anything with tests, but I hope he's doing well now and has been spared any more. What a little trooper! We hope you guys had a great Christmas!

  5. You can totally do this!!! That stocking adorable. Yah, he looks squished....but it is soooooo cute. The other kids are adorable too, and so helpful, I love that. Love you lots!!!
