Sunday, August 26, 2007

LiOns, TiGeRs, & bEaRs OH MY!!!!

Last Wednesday, (Aug. 22)...Ryan took the day off and we decided to go to the zoo!!! It's the last day he'll be able to have for awhile, so we had to enjoy it!!! We had Auntie Shauna & Zack go too, thought they might enjoy it!!! It was a fun trip, and Klous liked seeing the animals...well some of them!!! We had a good time!!!This picture was really taken just before we went home...we were tired and ready to go!!!
Klous anxiously waiting for the tickets... :)
Our first friend we saw!!! He's cute huh...Ryan read something that said he's the oldest one in there (of these type), and that he's in his 30's or 40's...and I guess in the wild they only live to be in their mid 20' GOOD JOB lil' monkey!!!
Zack didn't really know what to think when he got THAT close!!! Zack was right by the glass...until he came to say HI :)
I guess there's a picture of Ryan getting a drink from this fountain when he was we had to get Klous in it too...well I didn't mean "IN" it!!! :)
Here's the "Ghost of the Bayou"...the WHITE was pretty cool!!!
Klous liked the elephants!!! See them behind him???
This big one sprayed water out his nose...the boys didn't like it at first...but then got used to it!!
Tiger statues...they liked being able to be out of the strollers!!!
Klous was yelling at the cheetah or tiger that's under that shelter thing.
YIKES...this was too close for Klous!!
This little meerkat was running along the bottom of the glass...right where Klous was standing...
This is what he thought of it!!! "AHHHHH...get me out of here!!!"
HUGE snake...YUCK!!!
Mommy showing him something...don't remember what they were called though???
Klous had fun at the zoo...but was tired and ready to take his nap!!! Gotta love this "I'm done" face!!! TOO CUTE!!! I'd have to say he was the cutest animal at the zoo that day!!! :) ;) :)

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