Monday, August 27, 2007

kids will be kids...:)

Last week, I accidentally left the bathroom door open...and Klous noticed it!!! Next thing I knew...he was coming out really excited and happy...and I could hear something plastic sounding?!?!?! So I turned around and saw this....Yep...Klous was pretty proud of his finding and treasure...Mommy's tampons :)...he wasn't gonna let them go...and even thought they made cool suckers :( BLAH :( ....
Then he decided maybe I'll go see what else I can find in here he is again...escaping for the bathroom AGAIN...luckily the door was shut this time...and has been since then!!! 'Til he learns how to open them!!!


  1. Kous is too funny!! You and Ryan must have so much fun with him!

  2. Open what? The tampons or the doors? :) You've got a cute kid.
