Sunday, January 3, 2010

What an AMAZING woman I married!!

So I know this is Becki’s blog and she is the one that does everything on here but I figured that this would be a good place to “post a praise” of her. I am so lucky to have Becki as my wife. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Since I have been able to be side by side with her over the past 2 weeks, since Kyson was born, my love and appreciation for her has grown. I have always told her that I know that she has to do a lot and has a busy job, being home with the kids all day. I have always tried to make it a point to let her know that I appreciate what she does. Well over the past 2 weeks since I have been home and she has been trying to recover and take care of Kyson I have tried to take care of Klous and Aysha more. Now I have a little more of an understanding of what Becki goes through day in and day out. With the exception of “reminding” Klous not to jump on and off of his bed and “reminding” Aysha to be “soft” with Kyson they are pretty good kids, but what a job. They are non stop and always want you to do something with them, which leaves no time for just sitting down without a constant plea to play. I love my kids and that has grown over the past couple of weeks as well but they are definitely more then a “full time job”.

I want to thank you Becki for everything that you do for our family. I have noticed that no matter what the kids do or how frustrated or upset you may be with them, it doesn’t take long for you to be playing or laughing with them again. To me that is a sign of a GREAT mother. Thanks for your love for me and the kids and again for all that you do for us. I also want to thank you for bringing Kyson into our family. I know that you have had to go through a lot with this pregnancy and the past year has been really trying for you. Thanks for being willing to really SACRIFICE to bring him into our family.

Becki you are by best friend and making the decision to marry you, was the best decision that I have made in my life. You have helped me to become a better person and I am eternally grateful to you for that. It is a great blessing to know that I can be with you for eternity. Becki you are a truly amazing person and I love you with all of my heart. Thanks again for all that you do. I love you!!


  1. That is so sweet. And he's right, Becki. You are amazing!

  2. You guys are such a good model of a great marriage. You are both so kind and considerate of each other. Ryan, what a sweet tribute to your wife. And Becki, you deserve it. You are amazing.

  3. Wow...guess this is what happens when I lay down to take a nap!! Thank you babe, and I love you too!! Thanks for making me cry!! :P

  4. This is so cute!! Becki, you are amazing! I hope everything is going well with your beautiful family!

  5. What a sweet hubby. Good job for saying something Ryan! You guys are so lucky to have each other!!!
