Monday, December 1, 2008

So sweet...

This morning after getting up...the first day of reality...(daddy had to go back to work)...I got done feeding Klous some breakfast, and was cleaning that up. I was in the kitchen, and when I came back into the living room, this is what I saw...Klous had climbed up to be by his baby sister...he was just laying there looking at her and softly touching her nose and just being by her. It was so sweet...I had to quietly grab the camera before he noticed...and luckily I got these pictures!!
He has had a few meltdowns and struggles with not having all the attention, but really he's been a great helper and big brother. If you look close at this picture, you can see the big smile on Aysha's face...just a coincidence I know, but still cute!! I sure love these kiddos :)


  1. That is so cute! They are going to be great pals.

  2. You caught a great moment...very cute! Now be careful so he doesn't drag her around the house!!!

  3. So cute. I love the new picture of her on the sidebar. She is a DOLL!!!

  4. What cute pictures!! Klous is a great big brother!

  5. That is adorable...those are the moments that make life worth living. I think that smile was not a coincidence at all. So sweet!!

  6. SO sweet... until the day he decides he doesn't want her laying there and rips her off the couch by her foot. :) ha ha He wouldn't do that. They are cute cute kids.

  7. That is the most precious thing ever! What a great older brother!

    By the way, I have a card ready for you guys...I just need your address.

  8. Way cute! Congrats, I am so excited for you. I would love to come see you, let me know when you are feeling up to it

  9. Congratulations! I hope you're feeling well after the delivery. I talked to Ryan a couple weeks ago at work and he said you were ready to have her. She's precious and I don't think her big brother could be any cuter if he tried!
    Best wishes,
