Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas Girly Girl...

So I'm loving having a little girl and all the things that go along with it!!! We found this cute bow last night...and she just looks so stinkin' cute!!
And I thought this shirt was funny and very true when I saw it..."Silent Night...Yeah Right!"
He's so big compared to her...but here's our two binki babies!!
Big yawns!!!
Too cute...I just love this!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ohhhh she's so cute!!! I love the bow. It is darling. I think the shirt is hilarious too.

    Don't feel bad about Klous having a binki still. Marshall had his until he was 3. Yes, and he still talks just fine and we all survived. :) You'll get rid of it when you're ready. We probably could have earlier but we thought he would have such a hard time losing the binki. I was wrong...

  3. I love that bow!!! Do they have it in big girl sizes?!?!?

  4. They are adorable! I've gotta know where you found jeans for her- I can't find any for Audrey anywhere!

  5. That bow is out of this world! And I agree, Klous DOES look way big next to her.

    I agree with her shirt! There is no such thing as a "silent night" is there? lol

  6. Oh my GOSH!!!!!!!! She is so dang cute! I wish I had another girl, Haley does too. I love all your pictures. Cute family picture too. I love all the girly stuff. Enjoy every second of it.

  7. I love love love the bow! How cute! Aysha is such a beautiful baby! Looks like you are having tons of fun!

  8. Thanks for your comment on my blog. You will do a wonderful job in primary. If you ever need a sub call me. I've always wanted to be a secretary. I think you have a GREAT calling. Love ya
