Tuesday, August 21, 2007

They're COMING...and ALMOST HERE!!!!

Well...after another long...LONG 3-4 months...Klous is FINALLY getting his top teeth in...it's been a hard process and time, because there seems to be NO comfort for him, or them!!! I've made the decision that he doesn't want to get any teeth in, unless they come in 3's!!! He got his 3 bottom teeth...and has had them for awhile now...and now he's getting the 4th tooth on the bottom...and his 2 top teeth!!! So until a set of 3 are ready, we won't see anything I guess!!! So here's a GREAT picture to show the teeth coming, as well as how painful his poor little gums look :(...poor lil' guy!!! Don't mind the mac 'n cheese in his nose!!! (his new favorite food) :) :) :)

1 comment:

  1. Poor little Klous! Hopefully his teeth will come in soon and won't be too painful!
