Friday, May 18, 2007

Carpet Fuzzies??? What the???

Ok...this must come from Ryan's side?? Maybe?? Just kidding...I think he is doing this all on his own...but WHAT am I supposed to do about it?? AHHHHHHHHHHH :)

Well the last couple days, Klous has discovered the carpet...he gets into the position like he's going to do a push-up and examines the carpet...
He then decides he better get a little closer so he can really see what he wants...
Then he picks and pulls at the carpet until he FINALLY has some of the fuzzies, hairs, whatever he may find in his hand...
Then he proceeds to EAT THEM...AHHHHHHHHHHHH :) It's so gross...
He doesn't seem to mind and just looks at me like I'm the crazy one...
Then decides to ignore me telling him no, no...and continues to pick and eat more of the fuzzies...
And more...and more...and more...til they're tickling his tongue, roof of his mouth, and gums...
Then gets mad at ME cuz he doesn't like the feeling of the HAIRBALL he's choking it's MY fault?? Silly kid...
Now Ryan & I are just waiting for him to have a poopy diaper and have hairballs or fuzzballs in his diaper...YIPPEE...what do I do?? Let him continue eating the carpet?? My goodness...he is one weird kid at times!!! Ryan is convinced he just need to floss the 3 teeth he finally has on the bottom...but who knows?? Seems like something pretty gross to use to floss...but whatever floats you boat I guess!! :)


  1. When I was a baby (okay maybe until I was 6) I would pick the fuzz off of blankets and suck on it. I didn't swallow it... at least that I remember.

    I turned out okay. But I wasn't sucking on floor fuzz. :)

  2. That is too funny! Klous looks darling as usual!
