Monday, January 18, 2010

Protecting my Kids...and my sanity!!!

Some of you may recall these first 3 pictures from last year...and some of you even came to my rescue to help at our time of need. These are pictures from February 2009 when our poor little Aysha May had gotten a cold which then turned into was a HORRIBLE time for me and our entire family. I blamed myself for a LOT of it and couldn't get over it for awhile...watching her have to be taken to the hospital every 4 hours for 3-4 days was MISERABLE and I didn't even go with her...but it broke my heart to see her struggle to breathe, eat, sleep, and everything else. Look how sad and sick she looks in these pictures...

So for that very reason Ryan & I have made some BIG, TOUGH decisions this year. And since we have another newborn this year...I'm not going to back down. This doesn't apply to everyone that looks at this blog, but those of you who live close and like to come visit...this is directed at you. We don't want to be rude or anything, but the only was to get it across, I think, is to be blunt and honest with everyone. So therefore...we are having NO VISITORS until we decide it's safe and okay...if you want to get a hold of us you'll need to call or email or something??? We aren't willing to put our children's health at risk or give them the chance of getting more sick then they will on their I hope you will be able to respect our wishes and keep your distance. We've been avoiding church with the baby, and will for a couple months...and we take turns going places or doing things because we're not willing to risk things.

I hope it's not too much to ask and that you'll all understand...seeing my baby struggle so much last year broke my heart...and I'm NOT willing to go through that again for my stupidity or lack of courage to put my foot down...I want my happy, healthy kids ALL winter long!!! Look at the pictures and you'll understand why...they're simply adorable!!!


  1. Stick to your guns. There's nothing wrong with that. Good luck avoiding's a constant, and so hard to watch your kids, helpless.

  2. Good for you guys! I don't blame ya one bit and am so proud of you for putting your foot down. There is nothing more important than keeping everyone healthy. Good luck! Hope everyone respects your wishes! AND how nice is it to have your mama there so you have company during this "no visitor" time!?! FUN! Love you guys and wish we could see/hold the new little guy. Give everyone loves for us! :)

  3. Have you checked out I think you can order most everything walmart-ish there and have it shipped to your home for free...might be nice if you're staying home.
    I'm hoping our friends/family respect our wishes too. Everyone is excited about a new baby but we really just want to keep her healthy.

  4. GOOD FOR YOU! I admire you and your courage! Way to be an example of protecting your kids.

  5. This post made me go back and look at Cooper's pics in the hospital during that time. What a terrible month we all had. Know that we are all fully supporting you and agree it's better to be safe than sorry. And there are perks to having all of your kids really close together... you have a newborn and no school aged kids. When they start going to school they bring home EVERYTHING! It is so fun! :) Hang in there and stay healthy!!!! :) It's an order!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I don't blame you a bit... after spending time in the ER and dr visit after dr visit for a week and then ending up in the hospital for 3 days anyways, I am so with you on keep the baby home!! I would do the same if we had another one during this time of year. I hope you all stay healthy, especially your little ones!
