Saturday, December 19, 2009

Maybe today???

Well I was up most of the night with contractions again...and really they started at about 7:00 last night...went on and on and on...then would slow down then pick up again...then slow down...but have been going since then. Some harder then others...but we'll see...I hate the debating of should I or should I not go into the hospital...because I'm real nervous about how fast it goes for me. I don't want to be one of those ladies on the news who didn't get to the hospital in time and had it at I just don't know when you go and when you don't. might be the day...we'll see if it keeps up...and what happens...but if not today, at least I know it's on Monday!! Good luck to us and stay tuned for pictures of our new bundle of joy in the next few days!! Merry Christmas to everyone!!!


  1. I saw you out walking yesterday and thought...oh, she looks uncomfortable! (I mean that not in a snarky way, but like: I SO remember that feeling and it is miserable!) I hope he comes today and that everything goes smoothly!!!
