Tuesday, December 8, 2009

37+ weeks...almost there...

I'm only a couple weeks from meeting this little guy...so thought I better have Ryan take some more belly pictures. So here we are at 37+ weeks...went to the doctor yesterday morning again and I'm still dilated to a 3 and just doing "fine"...or so the Dr. says. He doesn't have to deal with the constant pain, uncomfortable feelings, hard kicks/wiggles cuz there's NO room in there, and everything else :) Oh well...it's all worth it in the end right??
Klous was trying to hide behind me, but ended up just looking silly :)
And don't mind my dorky face...but there's the belly...it's BIG and has popped out a lot in the last few weeks...will be induced on the 21st if I don't go on my own before that!! Wish us luck!! :)


  1. Yay to getting closer to holding that precious little one in your belly! I hope you are doing good and finding some time or some way to get some rest while your baby finishes growing in there. Miss ya!

  2. you are adorable....you're belly is soo round. I just want to rub it....for good luck!!! Can wait to hold that little one! Love you!!!

  3. YAY!!!! Your belly is SOO cute!! It looks bigger than with Aysha!! Can't wait for you!

  4. Good luck! What a miracle...and yes, it'll all be worth it!

  5. Good luck!!! I am so excited for you. If there is anything I can do please, please let me know!
