Friday, June 26, 2009

Hot days and cute clothes :)

I'm loving the nice weather so the kids and I can actually be OUTSIDE...and the ADORABLE clothes that Aysha has with all the bright colors and things...Klous is cute too of course...but this is the first summer with a little's been fun!!!
I've noticed a lot lately that I haven't had all the "accessories" on Aysha lately...and maybe these pictures will show you WHY :) :) :)

I put it on and this is what happens...
Uh oh...
Ha Ha Mommy :)
So I'll just put the little clip in her fuzz hair and hope it lasts...which it doesn't/didn't because eventually she feels for that too and pulls it out...silly girl!! Good thing she's still cute with or without them huh!!!
Yesterday after naptime I told Klous we could get the little pool out and swim for a was 90+ degrees yesterday I swear and it was SO bloody it was relaxing and nice...I also put Aysha in her swimsuit and she LOVED it...if you can't tell from the smile :)
And munching on the toy...the bathtub chair didn't work in the pool, so I had to hold it with my feet...and she just splashed and cute!!
Klous struggled to get in the pool at first...not cuz he wasn't hot...or the water didn't feel good...but because he chose to POOP in his swim diaper as SOON as we got outside...I was so this is him just standing outside the pool...
But after a good diaper change and a NEW swim diaper...he was all about swimming and playing in the water :)
Cute kids huh!!
Aysha decided to face plant in the water...but nothing cuter then a wet baby face huh!! This is the best I could do :)


  1. Becki your kids are way too cute! And I look forward to seeing if Alyssa will keep the bows in her hair or not.

  2. Very cute! The swimming pool looks like so much fun in this heat!

  3. So cute!! Next time you're in the pool, let me know and I'll bring Chasey down.

  4. What fun! And it only gets better! Oh, and where did you get her swimsuit? its adorable!

  5. so cute! love pool days with little ones when all I had was little ones. I can still see Carly holding the hose to fill her new pool when I was recuperating from having Rachel... These are the best times! I miss them
