Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Just some cute pics & a video...

I've been meaning to post these pictures and it just hasn't happened...so here are some of the kids...ok so mostly Aysha...but some recent cute pictures!!! Mommy & Klous at the zoo...Klous "playing" cards...poor little Klous got sunburnt last week, so I'm trying to show his poor arms and cheeks...oh and me of course burnt as well...LOVED the warm weather though!!! Then there's their church outfits before St. Patty's day....Aysha just being cute in her overalls and with her fingers...starting to play in her exersaucer...and bath time...can't get enough cute pictures of her in the tub!! She just LOVES the water...and kicks and splashes non-stop. It's great!!!

Just enjoy the pictures!! I just wanted to post them, because I keep seeing them and haven't gotten them on here...I've been trying to do better at taking pictures of the kids...weekly if not daily, because you just never know what'll happen, and I want to catch as much as possible in pictures!! I sure do love my kiddos!!!

His poor arms...I'm a GREAT mom :(

Then again...look at me!!! Gotta get the one burn a summer...then it's all tan from there :)
Isn't she adorable...
Such a stud...even if he has cheese all over his face :)
She LOVES her fingers...and it won't be long and I'm sure she'll be sucking either her finger or thumb???

I love her big eyes!!! She's just so stinkin' cute!!!

Stretch that leg...just kidding...getting ready to SPLASH mommy!!!
Ha ha...got you :)
I just love the wet baby look...their eyes are so so bright!!!

This video shows exactly how much she LOVES bath time...it's great...can't wait for her to be able to sit up a little better on her own though...she's too wiggly and squirmy in the tub!!!


  1. Holy crud they are cute Becki! Aysha smiles so much!! Give them big hugs for us!
    (Lucky you on the burn once and be tan for the summer...I burn, peel, burn, peel...stay WHITE)

  2. Your little girl looks like my little girl in the tub! Splash, splash, splash! She is a water baby too!

  3. Klous and Aysha are so cute. I am glade we got to see you guy's last weekend and go swimming Aysha was very cute un her swimming suit,rolls all over. And we are excited for you to come see us again soon. My baby is going to be around seven pounds something.
