Wednesday, July 2, 2008 are some belly shots!!

Alright...mostly for my "sisters" who are also prego...but for the rest of you are some pictures of my's getting BIG!!! We're 18 1/2 weeks along...and dying in this heat...I'm so sick of it already and it's only the 2nd of July...yippee!!! If you look at my belly pictures and then look at my sister-in-law Anna's belly pictures...we're not too far apart in size...and she's on her THIRD baby...and she's 10 weeks FARTHER along then yeah it's sad huh!!! Oh well...we just have to keep truckin' along and dealing with it'll be over before I know it, then I'll be sad and miss all the kicks, somersaults, and gotta enjoy it while I can!!!Yep...I'm a cheeser...but there's a full body shot...not real pretty...but whatever!! That's what you get at 10:30 at night!!! But I know I wasn't this big with Klous at this time...check out the picture below this...maybe that'll show you!!!

This is me NOW...
This is me 2 years ago...I was 4 1/2 months along almost the same as now??? I guess there really isn't that much of a difference...I guess that's a good thing...I hadn't looked at pictures til yeah!! There you go...

And this is just our cute little boy...the last couple days have been almost to 100's we just spend a LOT of time in the house with everything closed...trying to keep the cool air in!!! He gets so pooped out, he just crashes on the cute!!!


  1. Hope you're doing fine in that heat! I always have my babies before summer hits and then it's still hot with the baby fat!

  2. Cute!!!! I can't wait to find out what you're having! Sorry its so hot there :(! I can hardly handle 85-90 degrees here! CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU GUYS IN AUGUST!!

  3. LOVE IT! I love the cute pregnant belly! You are the cutest little pregnant lady! What is so crazy is we haven't hit 100 degrees yet! You all are hotter than we are! I hope that it cools down soon for you guys! I know it is miserable to be pregnant in the summer! I have done it twice, so next time I am hoping that it will happen NOT in the summer!

  4. Looking good Becki!!! When do you find out what you are having?

  5. Way cute Becki! I am excited to hear what you are having! I can't believe you are already almost 20 weeks!! It seems to have gone by so fast. Look forward to seeing you and Klous soon!
