Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Never leave unattended...

Klous & I came home from having lunch with Auntie Shauna & Zack at the mall...Klous had fallen asleep, and of course woke up when I got him out of the we came in and I tried to give him his bottle. He didn't want to sit on my lap with I put him on the floor, and went to do something. When I came back this is what I saw...

Klous shook and shook his bottle...and must not have realized it was ALL over his face???He didn't seem too bothered by it though...
The floor wasn't even really wet...he did real good at getting it all over his face!!!
Even when he crawled away...the dripping milk on his face still didn't bother him!!!
This just goes to may be dangerous to leave an almost 10 month old unattended!!! Can't imagine what it'll be like when he was walk, reach, and climb!!! YIKES :)

1 comment:

  1. These are such great pictures!! I love the milk all over Klous's face!! Klous should be on a milk commercial!!
