Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Klous really walking!!

Well, I posted pictures of Klous walking...but that really doesn't show it as well as a video!!! So I recorded him playing "fetch" with the diaper!!! :) It's kinda funny that he actually goes to get the diaper after I throw it over there...but what am I supposed to do?? If I don't throw it...he gets it when it's right next to me!!! :) So either way he'll get it...sorry for the quick ending on the video though...the diaper really did open up and he started to lick it...LUCKILY it was the outside...but it could've been REAL gross!!! you can get the full effect of him actually walking!!! Enjoy!!! :)


  1. Klous is soo adorable walking around!! I am impressed that he is walking so early!!

  2. He is soooooo cute, it is so funny to me how he yells the whole time he is walking.
