Friday, August 10, 2007

Buzz Head!!!

Well, I got a bee in my bonnet...and did it!!! I've been asking Ryan for a couple weeks to help me do this, and we've never gotten around to it, or he didn't want to do it that night. So...this afternoon...I was in the bathroom...Klous was I did it!!! I got the clippers and sat him on the sink...which he eventually ended up in the sink!!! He wiggled a LOT, and moved around...but after he found our toothbrushes, my brush, and anything else he could reach...he was alright!!! I BUZZED IT!!! WOO HOO!!! He's so stinkin' cute...and looks so much older now. I can't believe it...Ryan & I both think he looks like our nephew Jared when he was little...which isn't a bad thing!!! I see a lot of Jared in Klous are some pictures of his "new do"...or lack thereof!!!

After we were done, I rinsed him off in the tub quick, and put on The Wiggles so he'd stay calm and let me get him dressed...
And as you can see...he was VERY fond of the toothbrush!!
Then later tonight during his REAL bath...I couldn't get over how cute and big he looked!!! So I took more pictures...
And I think he even likes it!! Look at that smile!!!
He has been rubbing his head and wondering where his hair is!!! Since he's like his mommy...and has to play with hair to go "night night" when he's not pulling on mine...he usually plays with his own. So it could be interesting!!! :) Either way...he's adorable!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Klous looks very cute with his new haircut! We look forward to seeing him!
