Thursday, April 2, 2009

The real UH-OH...what to do!?!?! :)

He thought he was pretty funny when I was sitting at the computer the other day and he kept saying..."Mommy, look at me...Mommy, look at me..." So when I looked at him, this is was I saw...pretty cool he thinks that he can slide his diaper down and show his little bum...UGH...what to do?? When will potty training start and actually STICK??? He has some ambition for it, then nothing...then wants to...then nothing. I'm not going to push it because I've only heard bad things about that...and I'm NOT going to clean up poop piles throughout the house!! So guess we'll just keep telling him...KEEP YOUR DIAPER ON :) :) :) Gotta love Klous :)


Klous Family said...

haha YOU named him KLOUS!! The Klous boys I know kind of have a facination with their bums! How many pictures are out there in the world of my husbands bum?? :) Good luck with the potty training... I feel your pain. Alex will not potty train. Its frustrating...
Love you!

Laura said...

That will be a great picture to show his prom date! Very cute. From what I hear (and experience) boys are harder to train then girls try having him play this game if he likes Elmo. Max still says, "I have the feeling"

Anonymous said...

Cute little rear... I am glad I am on this end of the potty training and not yours. ha ha

Andrea and Danny said...

Ahhh butt crack!!! Soo funny! Good luck with potty training! :D I miss you guys!

Jamie said...

Jacob used to reach down and bring me a handful of poo when he'd gone. It was quite horrible. However, he was actually quite talented at it. You'd think he'd have poo all over the place but he was able to get in and out with just the chunk he wanted to show me, nothing on his skin or clothes. ugghh.

My worst moment was when he wasn't so smooth and dropped one by the toybox. I found my little crawling Samantha trying to eat it......

AAAHHHHHHH!!!!! so gross.

Good luck with the whole thing my friend!